We offer attendance system to grow your business

We are a team of talented programmers who make it easy to collect realtime attendance data remotely using BioClock.id

Our Product

Realtime Attendance Records

Export Records

Helps companies manage attendance records on a semi-online basis but still in real time and without a complicated record download process

Webhook Records

Helps programmers get attendance records from devices to their own servers in real time anywhere and calculated using their own software.

Push SDK BioClock

Helps programmers manage their attendance device from their own web software so they have full control over their own devices

Main Service

24/7 Realtime Data Synchronous

Record Age 7 Days

Clock Synchronize

Records Synchronize

Export Records

Control Panel

Server Localhost

Webhook Records

Push SDK BioClock

Scope of bioclock.id application :

This application is only a process of continuous synchronisation of Check-In, Check-Out, Break and Overtime attendance records only, between the attendance device and the bioclock.id server.

The synchronization process takes place continuously for 24 hours a day, unless the internet connection is completely lost or unstable.

If the internet breaks and then reconnects, the attendance device and bioclock.id server resume the delayed synchronisation process.

The process of registering a new user on the device should be done after the device is connected to the bioclock.id server.

The scope of the Free Cloud Server Service features are :

UnLimited Device Connection

This means that this attendance application does not limit the brand of attendance device and the number of connections your device has to the bioclock.id server.

UnLimited Active Period

This means that this attendance application does not limit how long your attendance device can still use the bioclock.id server.

UnLimited Number of Users

This means that this attendance application does not limit the number of users or employees who will still be able to synchronise to the bioclock.id server.

UnLimited Export Format

This means that this attendance application is able to export attendance records to formats: txt, xls, csv and dat (for attendance management).

Paid Professional Service Upgrades are :

Record age 60 days

This means that the bioclock.id server stores attendance records can only be 7 days running, if you want it for 60 days, please Buy Record Age storage.

Pull Records Directly

This means that the BioFinger Clock desktop software can pull records directly from the bioclock.id server, much more concise than using the Export Record method.

BioClock Mobile Apps

This means you can remotely manage attendance devices using your Android phone, such as managing users, monitoring attendance, clearing memory, setting access rights, and remote enrollment.

Device Control Panel

This means you can centrally and remotely manage multiple attendance devices at once, such as managing users, templates, clearing memory, setting access rights, and remote enrollment.

Push SDK BioClock

This means that the bioclock.id server can send records, users, templates and manage machines in real time from your own server using Webhook Push method.

Lets Started

Free Cloud Server Services

Device Information

It will show detailed device info as a result of the device synchronization process to the bioclock.id server


Device Configuration

Set device parameters so that they work optimally online realtime, namely time zone settings, url webhook, etc


Export Records

This menu will export the results of device and server synchronization for the last 7 days to txt, xls, csv, dat files

Continue Watch


Download BioFinger Clock Software and Connection Driver to calculate attendance records and reporting


Service Upgrades

Buy professional service upgrades to maximize the performance and features of the attendance device

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Push SDK BioClock

Communication between servers uses the HTTP protocol, the Webhook Push method and the JSON data format

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SEMI Online Software

Yes, any brand can use bioclock.id, as long as the attendance device is equipped with Cloud Server or ADMS features.

Yes, it's connected to the Internet, but it doesn't matter if it's only connected during working hours and it doesn't matter if the Internet connection is unstable.

But it will be maximized if connected 24/7 hours non-stop, because there is a Checking Transmitted Record feature.

Yes, tethering is possible, but the connection setting can only be done on attendance devices that have a wireless connection feature.

The attendance machine is tethered to the cellphone at least during the attendance process, namely during work entry hours and when leaving work.

This bioclock.id application is a cloud server that only collects attendance records, not calculating them to become attendance reports.

In addition, it is also used to manage remote device (read Control Panel), and can also send attendance records to your own server using the Webhook method (read WebHook Push Record).

BioFinger Clock Desktop is a desktop-based attendance application software, which is used to calculate and report attendance according to the setting conditions and attendance requirements of each company.

BioFinger Clock Desktop uses MS Access database and this software must be installed on a Windows 7/8/10/11 based computer.

While bioclock.id is a Web-based attendance application software, which can be run on a computer or cellphone using the Chrome, Firefox or Microsoft Edge browser.

Attendance Management is also a desktop-based attendance application software, which is used to calculate and report attendance according to the setting conditions and attendance requirements of each company.

Because this software is old and there are no updates anymore, this software can only import .DAT files generated from Export Records on bioclock.id.

Yes, it can be used, because BioFinger Clock Desktop also supports local networking, which is a LAN network in one building that connects all devices to a local computer, without the need for the Internet.

The following features are free :

  1. UnLimited Device Connection, this means that bioclock.id does not limit the number of connections your device to the bioclock.id server
  2. UnLimited Active Period, this means that bioclock.id does not limit how long your device can still use this bioclock.id server
  3. UnLimited Number of Users, this means that bioclock.id does not limit the number of users or employees, so that records will always be synchronized to the bioclock.id server
  4. UnLimited Export Format, this means that bioclock.id only collects attendance records from devices in real time from all over the world, then the records are exported for calculation.
  5. 7 Days Record Age, this means that the records stored on the bioclock.id server only for 7 days, so it must be exported immediately to the BioFinger Clock Desktop or Attendance Management software
  6. BioFinger Clock Desktop, this means that the process of calculating attendance records and reports is done by desktop software installed on a Windows computer or laptop

The following features are not free :

  1. 60 days Record Age, this means that if you buy this feature, the bioclock.id server will store transaction records for up to the last 60 days, the advantage is that you can export at any time without worrying about losing records.
  2. Pull Record instead of Export, this means that if you purchase this feature, the BioFinger Clock Desktop software will be connected [without a password] and have direct access to the bioclock.id server to download attendance records up to the last 60 days.
  3. BioClock Mobile App, this means that if you buy this feature, the attendance device can be managed remotely via the Internet using a mobile android application, without having to be present or near the device.
  4. Device Control Panel, This means that if you buy this feature, the attendance device can be managed remotely via the Internet a web browser, without having to be present or near the device.
  5. Push SDK BioClock, this means that if you buy this feature, the bioclock.id server will send attendance records and send or receive user templates [JSON format] in real time to or from your own server for further management, meaning that if you buy this feature, it will be easier for programmers to write programs to implement the Push SDK feature on their own servers.
  6. Payroll Sheet Desktop, this means that if you buy this feature, BioFinger Clock Desktop is able to process attendance lists and calculation processes up to salary processing.

BioFinger Clock Desktop does not have the ability to control the attendance device online via the Internet, but can only control the device if the connection with the device is on the local network.

Thus BioFinger Clock Desktop can be used simultaneously on multiple devices, both online and offline devices but only in terms of collecting attendance records, by setting the connection type to the device's local IP or Cloud Server domain name.

Yes, use biocloud.id realtime attendance software, which synchronizes transaction records, user templates, attendance schedules, auto shift cycles, absence permits, attendance calculations, statistics and other reports that are all Web-based.


Attendance Software Consultation


Amor Apartment 1636
Pakuwon City Mall, Surabaya


+62 31 5929337



Working Hours

Monday-Friday = 09:00-17:00

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