We offer professional presence using The Control Panel

We are a team of talented programmers who make it easy to remotely control and secure many devices using BioClock.id

Pricing Terms

Category of Records Age

7 Days

Rp190K / year
  • 7 Days Record Age
  • UnLimited User ID
  • Export Records
  • BioClock Mobile App
  • Device Control Panel
  • Direct Pull Records
  • Device Grouping
  • Webhook Push Record
  • Webhook Push SDK

37 Days

Rp390K / year
  • 37 Days Record Age
  • UnLimited User ID
  • Export Records
  • BioClock Mobile App
  • Device Control Panel
  • Direct Pull Records
  • Device Grouping
  • Webhook Push Record
  • Webhook Push SDK

77 Days

Rp590K / year
  • 77 Days Record Age
  • UnLimited User ID
  • Export Records
  • BioClock Mobile App
  • Device Control Panel
  • Direct Pull Records
  • Device Grouping
  • Webhook Push Record
  • Webhook Push SDK

97 Days

Rp690K / year
  • 97 Days Record Age
  • UnLimited User ID
  • Export Records
  • BioClock Mobile App
  • Device Control Panel
  • Direct Pull Records
  • Device Grouping
  • Webhook Push Record
  • Webhook Push SDK

Service Upgrades

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Control Panel to manage device, user and template remotely, grouping multiple devices and reporting

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Device Control Panel

If the device location is far from the admin, not only different buildings but even different cities or islands, this Control Panel menu is very useful for managing remote device, without the need for other people to be near the device.

It is very inconvenient to ask others to download data using a USB Flashdisk, and it is also very risky to give the admin password to others, because the device will be easier to manipulate.

Especially if you have to register new users frequently, the attendance system is easier to manipulate, because User ID A can be registered using User ID B's finger, so that they can leave attendance.

In addition to the Pull Record feature, which makes it easy to take/pull records directly using the BioFinger Clock Desktop software straight to the bioclock.id cloud server, without a password and without hassle.

You will also get the BioClock Mobile android app feature, which makes it easy to control the device and user via a mobile device.

Another bonus feature is to send attendance records using the Webhook Push Record method, meaning that your own cloud server can get attendance records in realtime to be processed using your own attendance software.

Yes can, so far our support team has often received chat requests for password resets because the old admin has resigned, but now with bioclock.id, admin resets can be done easily by yourself, without the need for help from our support team.

There is a Remote User Enrollment menu, which can be used to set up the device to automatically open the finger register sensor, and then automatically return to the main menu.

There is an Enroll User PasPhoto menu, which can be used to upload a .jpg file of the user's face photo to be used as a face template, so that when the attendance process runs the device will match the real face scan results with the face template.

There is an Import and Export User Info menu, which can be used to import User ID, Display, Card, Password from many new users through Excel files and then stored in the Cloud, so that the process of adding new users in bulk and at once.

Watch out, the imported fields, namely : User ID, Display, Card and Password will be auto-synchronized to the device within a few minutes.

There is an Attendance Device Grouping menu whose function is used if several devices in one company want to be related to each other, so it is easy to copy, delete or transfer User Info and Templates remotely.

This grouping mechanism is very convenient for monitoring and managing the deployment and distribution of users to multiple devices.

The existence of this Control Panel menu will close all gaps to manipulate the device, especially the clock on the device will definitely follow the clock on the cloud server, the device admin password also remains safely stored in bioclock.id.

Registering new users remotely is more secure because there is no need to give the super admin password to others.

There is a Device Memory Clearing menu whose function is to monitor and clear the device's memory remotely, no longer needing to get close to the device or no longer needing to ask for help from others which results in having to provide an admin password.

The Checking Transmitted Record menu is used to check the number of records in the Cloud on the previous day (H-1) whether the number is the same as that on the Device, if it is not the same then the resynchronization process will occur automatically.

This feature automatically runs as long as the device remains always connected OnLine 24/7 to bioclock.id via the Internet, especially during the hours listed in the Auto Checking Schedule.

If one day the active device used is suddenly damaged or lost, then simply install a new device and connect to the cloud server to bioclock.id, then after doing Grouping immediately do Cloning.

Then automatically all User IDs and Templates belonging to the damaged Device, which are still in the Cloud will be cloned to the new Device, within a few minutes.

It can be any different brand and type of device as long as it has the ADMS feature, which is a feature to be able to connect to bioclock.id, so please watch the video on the Watch Video button above to make sure.

If successfully connected to bioclock.id, then Cloning can run according to what Verification Modes are the same and available on each type of device.


Webhook Push Record

If every time an employee or User ID takes attendance on the device, then your own server wants to receive the attendance record data immediately, namely realtime without delay, a Webhook URL is needed to receive the data.

The server receiving the JSON data can be hosting (https://yourdomain.com/url_webhook.php) or local (http://localhost/yourfolder/url_webhook.php), and can be based on any version of Windows or Linux.

The receiving server can use any database or programming language, as long as it supports the HTTP protocol and supports JSON data that will be received from the bioclock.id cloud server.

Server localhost dan mesin absensi harus terhubung ke Internet 24/7, supaya bisa saling sinkronisasi dengan sempurna, tetapi tidak perlu kuatir jika Internet putus nyambung, karena sistem tetap akan mengirim data yang tertunda.

The scope of the localhost server to be able to receive JSON data using the Webhook Push method is : :

  1. Min. server specifications. RAM 8G and SSD 256GB
  2. If you don't have internet with Static Public IP feature, then you can use free Dynamic DNS (no-ip.com, dyndns.com)
  3. Make settings on the modem in the DDNS section, for example :

  4. Make settings on the modem in the Port Forwarding section, for example :

  5. Create a PHP program for a webhook URL on a localhost server to receive JSON data, for example :
    URL : localhost/bioschool/url_webhook.php

  6. Complete ready-to-use Webhook URL into :
    URL : http://blokb6.homeip.net:8080/bioschool/url_webhook.php
How to install the Webhook URL on the localhost server can be downloaded here

No need, because every rented VPS hosting has been provided by the provider a Static Public IP, or it can also be replaced by a domain name equipped with an SSL certificate.

If there is already SSL, then the full Webhook URL becomes : https://yourdomain.com/url_webhook.php

If you don't have an attendance device, do : :
  1. Open a browser, type the server address : bioclock.id
  2. Click the button ”Lets Started”
  3. Click the button ”Device Configuration
  4. Fill in Device SN : [CL9M210660125]
  5. Click the button ”Continue”
  6. Show a new window, Device Configuration
  7. Choose Incoming Server ”Webhook Push Data JSON”
  8. Fill in Incoming URL Webhook : [yours]
    e.g. : http://blokb6.homeip.net:8080/bioschool/url_webhook.php
    or : https://yourdomain.com/url_webhook.php
  9. Click the button ”Submit”
How to install the Webhook URL on the receiving server can be downloaded here

If you don't have an attendance device, do :
  1. Go back to the page ”Device Configuration
  2. Fill in Device SN : [CL9M210660125]
  3. Click the blue button to the right of the Incoming URL
  4. Show a new window, Incoming URL Test
  5. Choose send data ”incoming datajson attendance record”
  6. Click the button ”Continue”
  7. If the response ”Success”, means the Webhook URL is valid
  8. If valid, there is a Blue Check to the right of the Incoming URL
  9. Webhook URL is ready to use, please buy attendance device

Yes can.

The following is an example of JSON data for attendance records :

	"biohook": "clockreco",
	"biopush": {
		"device": "CSSU233260001",
		"biokey": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx"
	"biodata": {
		"tran_id": "1668143408",    
		"user_id": "123",
		"disp_nm": "TESTING",        
        	"tran_dt": "2022-06-24 08:42:01",
		"stateid": "0",
		"verify": "15",
		"workcod": "",
		"is_mask": 0,
		"bodytem": 0

The following is an example of a PHP program on the receiving server, url_webhook.php :

$dbkonek = mysqli_connect('localhost', 'root', '');
$dbopen1 = mysqli_select_db($dbkonek, 'webhook');
if ($dbopen1 == 1) {
    $json_result = stripcslashes(file_get_contents('php://input'));
    $arjson = json_decode($json_result);
    if (!empty($arjson)) {
        echo "OK";
        $insert = mysqli_query($dbkonek, "INSERT card_hook (datajs) VALUES ('$json_result')");
        if ($arjson->biohook == 'clockreco') {
            // do something
        } elseif ($arjson->biohook == 'clockfoto') {
            // do something
    } else {
        echo "EMPTY";
} else {
    echo "ERROR";

Note :
After the JSON data is received, it must be answered "OK", otherwise the bioclock.id server will continue to send repeatedly until it is answered "OK".

The source program and database can be downloaded here
How to install the Webhook URL on the receiving server can be downloaded here


URL Webhook Installation


Realtime Attendance Consultation


Amor Apartment 1636
Pakuwon City Mall, Surabaya


+62 31 5929337



Working Hours

Monday-Friday = 09:00-17:00

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